Wednesday, January 25, 2012

EnvisionWare Headquarters: The Next Generation!

Dear Friends of EnvisionWare,

Happy New Year! We sincerely hope your 2012 has gotten off to a positive start. This is both a challenging and exciting time for public libraries, and EnvisionWare remains committed to providing self-service and efficiency solutions for the industry as we all navigate these uncharted waters together.

Your humble servant The Man in the Purple Shirt is back on the beat after a lengthy and refreshing vacation. I would use the term “tanned, rested, and ready,” but being of Irish descent the “tanned” part is difficult to achieve.

Before I headed off to spend the holidays with my family, I visited—for the first time—EnvisionWare’s expanded new Headquarters in Duluth, Georgia. Here are some snapshots:
Okay…I concede to pulling your leg a little. But it was very exciting to see the new facility, which, in its own way, was just as impressive to me as the images above. Of particular interest was the large auditorium in which our Winter Summit was held,
as well as the nascent Library of the Future, which will eventually be a fully functioning library in the heart of EnvisionWare Headquarters: a place to test and showcase all the EnvisionWare products in a real-world environment. I am very excited to see this project taking shape, and will be reporting more on it (and posting photos) as it develops. 

The new facility includes a warehouse with multiple loading docks—another step up from our, ah, “cozy” facilities of the past.

As always, the EnvisionWare trolls were on display, and as befitting the larger office, they have expanded their presence as well.

Needless to say, we are very excited about our new Headquarters. We anticipate being there for many years, and we invite you to stop in and say hello if you're ever in the area!

Friday, January 20, 2012

EnvisionWare Welcomes Craig Gorbet to Implementation Team

The Man in the Purple Shirt is thrilled to welcome his new colleague Craig to the Professional Services Department! Please see official press release below:

EnvisionWare, a leading provider of self‐service and library efficiency solutions, announces the appointment of Craig Gorbet as Implementation Consultant. In this role, Craig will be responsible for customer implementations for EnvisionWare hardware and software products primarily in the Western region of the United States. Craig will also work closely with other members of the implementation team to support and train customers companywide.

“Craig brings to us almost twenty years of experience in library implementations, customer training, support, and service,” said Cheryl Morgan, EnvisionWare’s Director of Professional Services. “His technical background and in‐depth knowledge of libraries and the library market will be a huge asset to our customers and implementation team.”

Prior to joining EnvisionWare, Craig served as National Technical Support Specialist for DecisionOne, a service provider for a library technology vendor. There he oversaw library installations for inventory control, self‐checkout, and RFID solutions, and trained customers and technicians on how to leverage, service, and troubleshoot equipment. Before that, Craig spent seventeen years with Checkpoint Systems, managing library
installations and operations of Checkpoint’s EM, RF, RFID, and Patron Services platforms. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering Technology from DeVry Institute of Technology in California.

“EnvisionWare is a growing company with a great reputation for customer service and satisfaction,” said Gorbet. “I’m excited to join the implementation team.”

Kathryn Spier‐Miller