Wednesday, February 9, 2011

EnvisionWare Unveils Plans for New North American Headquarters

EnvisionWare, a leading provider of self service and library efficiency solutions, announced today that construction is under way on a new, larger, high tech headquarters facility.

The new facility, one block from the current location, provides expanded office space for the growing Company that provides advanced technology solutions to libraries around the world.  In addition to more offices, the facility features a seventy-five seat auditorium that can accommodate large groups of users for training and other events, a large warehouse with multiple loading docks, climate controlled storage facilities for RFID tags and system staging and additional group meeting rooms.

At the heart of the building is a new Library of the Future.  Mike Monk, Company Vice President said, “Our new library will feature the latest technology in use by libraries today as well as leading edge technologies for tomorrow.  We are creating an environment for testing, learning and sharing.  The facility will be a fully functional, RFID-enabled corporate library that will also serve as a public or academic environment where we can replicate the current and future plans of our customers.  The facility will be ever ready to deliver an end-to-end self service and library efficiency experience for employees, customers and partners.”  EnvisionWare is working with library vendors to create a showcase and with librarians and consultants to discover the direction libraries will take in the future.

This is the Company’s fourth move in a decade.  Each move has represented a significant increase in space.  This move more than doubles the size of the Company’s facilities.  “This time we have built-in expansion room to accommodate future growth,” said Rob Walsh, President.  “By securing more warehouse space than is necessary for us today, we have areas that can be easily converted to additional offices and work spaces.  It has been difficult to plan for growth because we continue to exceed our goals.   While we work continuously to operate more efficiently, we need sufficient office space to ensure that we remain responsive to all of our customers' needs.”

“Employees are anxious to have more workspace and all of us look forward to having new customer meeting spaces,” offered Scott Fothergill, Executive Director.  “During my career at Columbus Metropolitan Library I worked as part of the management team to plan the relocation of several library branches as well as a new administration building.  That background will help us minimize any downtime or interruption of services to our customers.  We are using those experiences to create a customer-focused facility that inspires innovation, learning and outreach.”

EnvisionWare is the publisher of PC Reservation®, the world’s leading public computer management software, as well as systems for print and copy control, RFID library management, and financial control systems.  Over 10,000 libraries around the world use EnvisionWare products.

For more information:

Michael J Monk
Vice President
800-216-8370 Ext 201